Types of Services

We all experience a unique perspective when operating in this world. Oftentimes we struggle to find our balance. Choices we make, may impact feelings of self-worth and doubt. The world can feel lonely as interpersonal relationships, employment or other connections are compromised.
There may be occasions or days, weeks, even months that we may feel sad and even have signs of depression or low mood and/or experience feelings of anxiety. With the support of a therapist, identifying goals that are achievable, we can slowly but surely determine the path forward and a road to betterment.
The teen years are often very exciting and challenging, full of adventure, exploration, curiosity and experimentation. These years are ridden with a lot of natural change (physical, emotional, mental) as well as possible pressures of self-identity, sense of belonging, academic and peer pressures, anger, frustration to name a few.
This time can feel lonely as youth try to find their inner being and identity let alone their voice. Therapy is an avenue where youth have the opportunity to have their voice, without pressures of what others may think. By focusing on individual inner-strengths, resilience and the use of therapeutic techniques, the goal would be to build on these strengths and increase positive feelings and outcomes.
Parenthood is a joy and a challenge and most certainly a rollercoaster of emotions. Parents often feel guilty, confused, overwhelmed and unsure. My goal in working with you would be to strive for healthy and grounded parents to enable stronger family connections.
By building on strengths and successes and recognizing each of the independent members of the family, together we can find/rediscover healthy ways to communicate and find resolutions. I will support you to find tools to reflect your personal and familial values and goals. The goal is to understand your child/teen’s needs, stage, and perspective to then be able to improve the everyday interactions.
Children often experience success in an environment where they can explore and be part of tangible contacts. Virtual sessions may not be the best suited, depending on the child and the situation. As a parent, you may find you are able to support your child through discussion from a parent to therapist.
However, with parental consent, if engaging with your child feels best, I would be honoured to make this connection and work with you and your child.
Communication is often at the root of challenges within a relationship. If you feel you are not heard and you don’t seem to understand each other, establishing some ground rules of effective and healthy communication will be the beginning of the positive path ahead. I would welcome the opportunity to assist you to add tools to your tool kit.
Confidentiality and Privacy
As a social worker, I adhere to the C​ode of Ethics and Standards of Practice outlined by the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.
These professional ethics require me to keep everything discussed in therapy in strict confidence. Information cannot be disclosed to others without prior written permission from the client.​ There are some exceptions to keeping confidentiality. I have a duty to report to the appropriate authority in a few situations:
if there is suspected child abuse,
threat of self harm or harm to others (including public safety).
records kept of our sessions being subpoenaed to court.
There are risks to privacy and confidentiality when working virtually. I use a secure webex platform and can assure that all privacy and confidentiality (with the exception of the points above) will be maintained; however, it is important to note that with technology there are inherent risks. In order to maximize privacy, it is best to be situated in a room where you are the least likely to be interrupted. Please keep in mind that e-mail is not a secure form of communication. Please limit e-mail communication to what you would feel comfortable to disclose in public.